Barcodes in C#: UPC-2
UPC-2 is a simpler variation of the UPC-5 barcode designed to contain 2 digits of data.
The checksum (or parity) for the UPC-2 format is used only to encode the barcode, and therefore is not coded directly, and out of all the UPc barcodes, is the only one in this series which does not use modulo 10.
The parity is simply the two digits treated as an integer and then applying modulo 4 to it, and the remainder is the parity.
Like with UPC-5, UPC-2 only has a left guard and centre guard (which is places after the third digit), which are encoded as 1011 and 01 respectively.
We then apply the odd or even encoding based on the parity string we determine from the parity
0 | 11 |
1 | 10 |
2 | 01 |
3 | 00 |
The odd and even encodings are the same as the ones for the UPC-5 format.
Digit | Odd | Even |
0 | 0001101 | 0100111 |
1 | 0011001 | 0110011 |
2 | 0010011 | 0011011 |
3 | 0111101 | 0100001 |
4 | 0100011 | 0011101 |
5 | 0110001 | 0111001 |
6 | 0101111 | 0000101 |
7 | 0111011 | 0010001 |
8 | 0110111 | 0001001 |
9 | 0001011 | 0010111 |
The full source code is available at
namespace BarcoderLib
public class BarcodeUPC2
private string gLeftGuard = "1011";
private string gCentreGuard = "01";
private string[] gOdd = { "0001101", "0011001", "0010011", "0111101", "0100011", "0110001", "0101111", "0111011", "0110111", "0001011" };
private string[] gEven = { "0100111", "0110011", "0011011", "0100001", "0011101", "0111001", "0000101", "0010001", "0001001", "0010111" };
private string[] gParity = { "11", "10", "01", "00" };
public Bitmap Encode(string message)
string encodedMessage;
Bitmap barcodeImage = new Bitmap(250, 100);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(barcodeImage);
encodedMessage = EncodeBarcode(message);
PrintBarcode(g, encodedMessage, message, 250, 100);
return barcodeImage;
private void Validate(string message)
Regex reNum = new Regex(@"^\d+$");
if (reNum.Match(message).Success == false)
throw new Exception("Encode string must be numeric");
if (message.Length != 2)
throw new Exception("Encode string must be 2 digits long");
private void PrintBarcode(Graphics g, string encodedMessage, string message, int width, int height)
SolidBrush whiteBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
SolidBrush blackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
Font textFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10, FontStyle.Regular);
g.FillRectangle(whiteBrush, 0, 0, width, height);
int xPos = 20;
int yTop = 20;
int barHeight = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < encodedMessage.Length; i++)
if (encodedMessage[i] == '1')
g.FillRectangle(blackBrush, xPos, yTop, 1, barHeight);
xPos += 1;
xPos = 20;
yTop -= 17;
for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i++)
g.DrawString(message[i].ToString(), textFont, blackBrush, xPos, yTop);
xPos += 8;
private string EncodeBarcode(string message)
int i;
int parityCode = CalcParity(message);
char parity;
string encodedString = gLeftGuard;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
parity = gParity[parityCode][i];
if (parity == '1')
encodedString += gOdd[Convert.ToInt32(message[i].ToString())];
encodedString += gEven[Convert.ToInt32(message[i].ToString())];
if (i < 1)
encodedString += gCentreGuard;
return encodedString;
private int CalcParity(string message)
int parity = Convert.ToInt32(message) % 4;
return parity;
Originally posted on my old blog, Smoky Cogs, on 27 Oct 2009