Waning gibbous Moon on 22 September 2016
I got up at 5am this morning to get this image of the Moon. The Moon is a waning gibbous Moon, almost at last quarter.
This is the highest resolution image I have been able to make of the Moon so far. The image is a composition of 8 images, each of which is comprised of 800 stacked frames, making the image below comprised of around 6400 individual frames.
The images were stacked using Autostakkert, and then manipulated with Registax 6, finally stitching them together using Gimp.
(Click on image for full size - 2472x2820 pixels)
Taken with a ZWO ASI120MM camera attached to a Sky Watcher 200 PDS Explorer 8” mounted on a HEQ-5 motorised equatorial mount.