Serge's World

Blogging about software development, astronomy, genealogy and more.

Waxing gibbous moon on 11 September 2016

The weather was clear yesterday so I took out the telescope to get a shot of the moon. The moon was low in the sky at 20 degrees elevation, just managing to poke over our fence, and with the hot day, the seeing was absolutely horrendous. I did manage to get this shot of the southern limb of the moon, centering on the crater Tycho.

I took 1800 frames of the moon, of which I used the best 225 frames to create the image.

Moon - 12 September 2016 (Click on image for full size)

Taken with a ZWO ASI120MM camera attached to a Sky Watcher 200 PDS Explorer 8” mounted on a HEQ-5 motorised equatorial mount.

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