Jupiter With Moons on 25 Mar 2016
On Friday night, we had a break in the overcast weather to actually have some clear skies. I managed to get some good imaging of Jupiter, with the highest resolution image I have been able to create so far. The image below comprises of 4 images. Jupiter itself comprises of 3 images taken through red,green and blue filters to get the colour. Each image was stacked from around 2000 frames each in Autostakkert, with wavelet filters applied in Registax 6, with the colour blending done in Gimp. The moons were captured in a separate video, without the Barlow, at a higher gain setting to bring them out more.
(Click on image for full size)
Taken with a ZWO ASI120MM camera attached to a Sky Watcher 200 PDS Explorer 8” mounted on a HEQ-5 motorised equatorial mount, using a 2x Barlow.